- psychic trauma
- психическая травма; любой болезненный психологический опыт.* * *психическая травма; любой болезненный психологический опыт.
Англо-русский словарь по социологии. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь по социологии. 2011.
psychic trauma — trauma which causes psychological effects … English contemporary dictionary
psychic trauma — noun an emotional wound or shock often having long lasting effects • Syn: ↑trauma • Derivationally related forms: ↑traumatic (for: ↑trauma), ↑traumatize (for: ↑trauma) … Useful english dictionary
psychic trauma — a psychologically upsetting experience that produces an emotional or mental disorder or otherwise has lasting negative effects on a person s thoughts, feelings, or behavior … Medical dictionary
trauma — [ troma ] n. m. • 1876; mot gr. « blessure » ♦ Didact. Méd. Lésion, blessure locale produite par un agent extérieur agissant mécaniquement. Psychol. (emploi critiqué) Émotion violente qui modifie la personnalité d un sujet en la sensibilisant aux … Encyclopédie Universelle
trauma — 1650s (implied in traumatic), physical wound, from Gk. trauma wound, from PIE *tro , *trau , from root *tere to rub, turn (see THROW (Cf. throw) (v.)). Sense of psychic wound, unpleasant experience which causes abnormal stress is implied in… … Etymology dictionary
trauma — [trô′mə, trä′mə] n. pl. traumas or traumata [trôr′mə tə, trämə tə] [ModL < Gr trauma (gen. traumatos): for IE base see THROE] 1. Med. a bodily injury, wound, or shock 2. Psychiatry a painful emotional experience, or shock, often producing a… … English World dictionary
Trauma — Any injury, whether physically or emotionally inflicted. Trauma has both a medical and a psychiatric definition. Medically, trauma refers to a serious or critical bodily injury, wound, or shock. This definition is often associated with trauma… … Medical dictionary
trauma — noun (plural traumas; also traumata) Etymology: Greek traumat , trauma wound, alteration of trōma; akin to Greek titrōskein to wound, tetrainein to pierce more at throw Date: circa 1693 1. a. an injury (as a wound) to living tissue caused by an… … New Collegiate Dictionary
birth trauma — noun 1. physical injury to an infant during the birth process • Hypernyms: ↑injury, ↑hurt, ↑harm, ↑trauma 2. emotional injury inflicted on an infant by events incident to birth that is alleged to appear in symbolic form in patients with mental… … Useful english dictionary
birth trauma — n the physical injury or emotional shock sustained by an infant in the process of birth * * * 1. an injury to the infant received in or due to the process of being born; called also birth injury. 2. in some psychiatric theories, the psychic shock … Medical dictionary
Névrose traumatique — Trouble de stress post traumatique Le trouble de stress post traumatique désigne un type de trouble anxieux sévère qui se manifeste à la suite d une expérience vécue comme traumatisante. c est une appellation liée a une approche behavioriste, et… … Wikipédia en Français